Thiago gualberto brand

Dock Console

It's a platform created to be a CMS for Bank applications, services like cards, Acquiring, bank accounts, and Pix, for example.

The main goal was to unify all services in the same platform based on the new brand identity. On the other hand, inconsistencies started to happen; working in the core team, we decided to create our Design principles. We made tokens and defined our libraries for White-label use to start the Design System process.

The first versions were very unpolished, so my leader invited me to create a new home page for the console project and think about be responsive website.

Services designers made the UX process.

Check the website

Old version

The redesign

DesignOPS Presentation

We had several products inside the same platform called Console. The problem was many squads were creating their products and needed more consistency.

My leader and I decided to create a DesignOps presentation to improve the teams, initiated as a federated team to grow as a centralized team (dedicated).

The table of content was:

  • What is DesignOps?;
  • It must be a responsive website;
  • The current Scenario;
  • ROI;
  • Documentation;
  • Accessibility;
  • Team;
  • Profile of our current team;
  • Process for creating components;
  • Design Process;
  • Advantages of implementing the DesignOps area.

Before introducing the DesignOps ideas area, I left the company, and the console project was discontinued.